

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does this project matter?

Metro Denver’s African Americans don’t have a unified voice to share our wisdom, so decision-makers, elected leaders, organizations and others aren’t connecting the dots to create the healthy communities we want and deserve. BeHeard Mile High will give us the tool to speak up, be heard, and make change.

Will my information be kept private?                                                                

Yes, your information will be completely confidential. We will only share general findings and never disclose your personal information, including your contact information.

Do I have to fill out every survey?

No, you only fill out the surveys you want to complete. It’s your choice – you’re in control. You can fill out surveys once a week, once a month, or once a year. Again, you can select the number of times you want to be contacted.

When I sign up, what am I committing to?

You are committing to nothing other than sharing your opinion when you want, how you want – online, via text or in the mail.

Is this being done anywhere else?

We were inspired by Philadelphia, the only city that has a project like this. You can see some of their early successes here.

Who is BeHeard Mile High?

BeHeard Mile High is guided by a Center for African American advisory group made up of members of our community, which you can find on our About page.

What is the Center for African American Health?

The Center for African-American Health is a community-based organization providing culturally responsive health education and health promotion programs in Denver, focusing on wellness, health literacy and disease prevention/management and advocacy for better access to quality healthcare and wellness services.